Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Meetings and Workshops - Oct\Nov\Dec 2013

Theres' so much going on at the moment I thought I'd send a list of forthcoming events\workshops  - this list is subject to change and is by no means definitive, there will almost definitely be things missing! Occasionally (rarely, sometimes frequently) I get things wrong, so I'm hoping this isn't one of these occasions...

Guild Meetings...
1st Tuesday of Month - Quilting 101 with Betty Doyle, its a BoM from Craftsy and is open to all.
2nd Tuesday of Month - Business Meeting, Fat Quarter Lotto, etc
3rd Tuesday of Month - Show & Tell
4th Tuesday of Month - Demo Night
Where there is a 5th Tuesday in the month there will be a Yard Sale.

22nd - Demo Night - Demo on Binding by Jean Williston (I have said that if she can't find anything to bind I have a couple of things which need binding - but she politely declined!)
SATURDAY 26th - Craft Sale at the Seaman's Hospital 9am-2pm
29th - Yard Sale on 5th Tuesday of Month.

SATURDAY 2nd - Purses workshop with Betty Doyle at the White School on Sutton Road, Nelson
SATURDAY 2nd - Twister Quilt Workshop with Christel Pond at the Seaman's Hospital
5th - Quilting 101 with Betty Doyle - (5th is also Guy Fawkes Night for me, bonfire, fireworks, and food - check it on Google!)
5th Braided Charm - Bev Hackett will be running the Braided Charm Quilt project on Tuesday nights instead of in a single day workshop.
12th - Business Meeting, Fat Quarter Lotto - Seasonal\Christmas\Winter theme FQs, and selection of your Secret Santa giftee - remember that YOU are the ONLY person who should know who you are gifting to, all will be revealed at the Christmas Dinner.
SATURDAY 23rd - Machine and Hand Applique Workshop with Geraldine Gordon (machine) and Jackie Stephens (hand).
SATURDAY 30th - Braided Charm Workshop with Bev Hackett

3rd - Quilting 101 with Betty Doyle, The President's Winter Challenge (12 and a half inch square block, Winter theme)
10th - Christmas Dinner** and Secret Santa 'The Big Reveal'...I wonder if Santa will reappear this year?? **Dinner will be at the Golf & Country Club once again, 6pm, price to be confirmed by Colleen, menu will be the usual choice of Chicken or Beef subject to confirmation.

Not sure what the plan is for the Snowmen and Cottages Blocks at the moment.

ANYWAY, none of this is set in stone, dates and venues may change, events added\altered etc. This is just a FYI for the busy Fall\Festive season.

Enjoy your week - we'll see you for Demo Night next week.

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